Monday, May 16, 2011

Aaron Michael Tucker

Aaron Michael Tucker was born on April 19, 2011 at 03:51 p.m., he weighed 8 lbs 1/4 oz and was 20 3/4 in long.  I was lucky to go into labor on my own, I had a fear that I was going to have to be induced, but trust me I walked the mall like it was going out of style after my doctor visit at 39 weeks, I was ready!  He is doing wonderful so far, it has been quite an adventure and a very big adjustment!  We are going back and forth with nursing and formula but he for sure eats like a champ.  He amazes me everyday with the faces he makes and the way he looks around at his surroundings.  He is already getting too big.  I am enjoying every minute of being a mommy, yes it is hard, but I wouldn't change a thing.